Defending Your Faith
A 4-Part Series
Part One
In today’s world, Christianity faces constant challenges from societal and cultural forces attempting to discredit the Bible and its teachings. Yet, when approached logically, the belief in Christianity can be evaluated using a framework called The Four Option Argument. This argument provides a structured lens through which life decisions are assessed based on one’s belief or disbelief in the Bible.
We’ll begin by introducing the four options and then dive deeper into each to offer a better understanding. These options can be helpful in conversations with non-believers and may help guide them toward faith in Christ.
The Four Option Argument:
- You live as a Christian, the Bible is true, and you go to heaven after death.
- You live as a Christian, the Bible is not true, and you die with no afterlife.
- You don’t live as a Christian, the Bible is not true, and you die with no afterlife.
- You don’t live as a Christian, the Bible is true, and you face eternal separation from God in hell.
Cultural Critique and the Benefits of Faith
In the past, Christianity was sometimes portrayed as a crutch for the weak. For instance, a 1969 British psychiatry textbook stated, “Religion is for the hesitant, the guilt-ridden, the excessively timid, those lacking clear convictions with which to face life.” Even Freud referred to faith as a form of neurosis.
Contrary to this negative framing, modern research—including over 1,200 studies and 400 reviews—has demonstrated that faith offers numerous benefits. Evidence shows that people of faith are generally more resilient to illness, cope better during struggles, and recover more quickly from sickness. According to, 81% of studies reported health benefits related to faith, with only 4% reporting harm.
Far from weakening an individual, faith provides strength, resilience, and well-being. Let's contrast this with each of the Four Options, starting with Option One.
Option One: Living as a Christian, the Bible is True, and You Go to Heaven
The Bible promises that if we repent of our sins, believe in our hearts, and confess Jesus as the Son of God, we will be saved and inherit eternal life in heaven (Romans 3:10). This option offers the ultimate reward—eternity with God.
Why Choose This Option?
- Eternal security and peace.
- A purposeful, fulfilling life driven by faith.
- A personal relationship with a loving God.
- Living your best life filled with inspiration and direction.
- Receiving all the blessings God has for you.
Encouragement: Give God a chance to reveal Himself to you. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. The rewards of faith extend into this life and beyond.
Defending Your Faith
A 4-Part Series
Part Two
In this part, we continue exploring The Four Option Argument. In the first segment, we discussed the first option—living as a Christian, with the Bible being true, and experiencing heaven. Now, we focus on Option Two.
Option Two: Living as a Christian, the Bible Is Not True, and You Die with No Afterlife
This option suggests that Christianity is false and there is no afterlife. If this were the case, a Christian’s existence would simply end upon death. However, living life with Christian values still brings immense benefits.
Why Is This Still a Good Option?
- Health and Happiness: Numerous studies reveal that living in alignment with Christian principles leads to better health, happiness, and productivity.
- Positive Impact: Christians often contribute more to society through charity, compassion, and service to others.
- No Downside: Even if there were no afterlife, believers wouldn’t face disappointment. They would have lived a fulfilling, meaningful life.
The benefits of a Christian life far outweigh the potential non-existence of an afterlife. A study from 2023 found that Christians who regularly engage with Scripture scored higher on the Human Flourishing Index than either non-practicing Christians or those with no religious affiliation. This index evaluates key areas such as “happiness and life satisfaction,” “mental and physical health,” “meaning and purpose,” “character and virtue,” “close social relationships,” and “financial and material stability.”
Ultimately, living a Christian life is never a losing option.
Defending Your Faith
A 4-Part Series
Part Three
To recap Part Two of our 4-part series, Defending Your Faith, we covered the first two options in the Four Option Argument:
- You live as a Christian, the Bible is true, and you go to heaven after death.
- You live as a Christian, the Bible is not true, and you die with no afterlife.
Now, let’s explore the third possibility.
Option Three: Not Living as a Christian, the Bible Is Not True, and You Die with No Afterlife
This option might seem rational to those who reject Christianity, believing that life ends with no eternal consequences. However, living without Christian values can often lead to emotional and psychological difficulties. Similar to Option two, it’s impactful to discuss with the non-Christian all the benefits to living a Christian life and the consequences of living with no faith in the one true God.
Consequences of This Option:
- Lack of Purpose: Those living without faith often experience increased anxiety, confusion, and emptiness.
- Self-Centered Living: Without the moral framework of Christianity, people may become more self-centered, leading to destructive behaviors such as addiction. Christians, by contrast, focus on serving others, which can lead to greater emotional well-being.
- A Less Fulfilled Life: While there may be no afterlife in this scenario, this option suggests that a life without Christian faith is less fulfilling and purposeful.
This option, while devoid of eternal consequences, points to a life lived with greater challenges and fewer moments of true contentment.
- A 2018 study from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health announced that “people who attended weekly religious services or practiced daily prayer or meditation in their youth reported greater life satisfaction and positivity in their 20s—and were less likely to subsequently have depressive symptoms, smoke, use illicit drugs, or have a sexually transmitted infection—than people raised with less regular spiritual habits.”
- Pew found in 2019 that Americans who attended religious services regularly were 44% more likely to say they were “very happy” than the religiously inactive.
Responding to Criticism from a Non-Christian
When engaging in discussions with someone who doesn't believe in an afterlife and criticizes Christianity for worshiping what they see as a non-existent God, a respectful and thoughtful reply could be: "A Christian life has been shown to offer real, tangible benefits." This goes beyond promises of heaven or fears of hell—numerous studies reveal that adhering to Christian values promotes a more fulfilling, peaceful, and purpose-driven life on earth. These principles contribute to better mental health, stronger relationships, and a deeper sense of meaning.
The Challenge: "Give God a Chance"
Invite the non-believer to try living by Christian teachings for six months. Encourage them to attend church, pray, read the Bible, and practice Christian values. This isn't a call for blind faith but rather a reasonable experiment to observe if their life improves. Many who have taken this step— even skeptics—have found peace, joy, and purpose in ways they hadn’t before.
No Downside
Let them know that according to research, there is no downside to trying this. The psychological benefits of community, reduced anxiety through faith, and a more hopeful outlook often result in positive life changes. There's no risk involved, but the potential for immense gain exists—both in this life and beyond. By offering this challenge, you're not trying to win an argument but are instead providing them an opportunity to experience the benefits of a Christian life firsthand.
Defending Your Faith
A 4-Part Series
Part Four
In this "Defending Your Faith" series, we’ve already explored three of the Four Option Arguments.
- You live as a Christian, the Bible is true, and you go to heaven after death.
- You live as a Christian, the Bible is not true, and you die with no afterlife.
- You don’t live as a Christian, the Bible is not true, and you die with no afterlife.
Finally, we come to the most sobering possibility - Option Four.
Option Four: Not Living as a Christian, the Bible Is True, and You Face Hell
This option presents the gravest consequence of all—eternal separation from God in hell. According to Christian teachings, rejecting Jesus results in eternal damnation after death. While this is a frightening reality, it underscores the importance of faith.
Why This Is the Most Dangerous Option:
- Eternal Suffering: Hell is described as a place of eternal torment and separation from God.
- Missed Opportunity: By rejecting faith in Jesus, people miss out on the love, grace, and forgiveness that are offered through Christianity.
As many believers say, “If the grace of Jesus doesn’t compel you, the reality of hell should.” The stakes are too high to ignore.
Key Points: Defending the Faith and Sharing with Others
- For those who believe everyone goes to heaven: Point them to Romans 3:10, which emphasizes that without faith in Jesus, no one is righteous and all fall short of God’s glory.
- For those who follow other religions: Highlight that Christianity uniquely offers salvation through faith in Jesus, a personal relationship with God, and the powerful evidence of Christ’s resurrection through the empty tomb.
Encouraging Non-Believers to Explore Faith
- Invite them to attend church or join a small group.
- Ask them to come at least five times and see what God might do in their lives.
- Encourage them to turn to Jesus through repentance and belief, experiencing the transformation that follows.
- Don’t gamble with waiting until the end. Attend a Bible-based church for six months as an experiment and see if God reveals Himself to you. Give God a chance>
Conclusion: Defending Your Faith
The Four Option Argument provides a logical framework to defend the Christian faith and discuss it with non-believers. By encouraging others to explore faith and give God a chance, you can help guide them toward eternal life and a more fulfilling life on earth.