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Three H's of Healthy Leadership

Monday, August 30, 2021 • • Leadership
There will be three effects of nearness to Jesus, all beginning with the letter H:
Humility, Happiness, and Holiness. May God give them to us!" – Charles Spurgeon
Three H's of Healthy Leadership

When I think of leadership from a biblical perspective, two historical figures come to mind; Moses and Jesus. Both were among the greatest leaders in history. Moses led a significantly larger crowd than Jesus did, but nonetheless both were called, chosen, and committed to the task, making them world-changing leaders.

Whether you are pastor or business owner, the mission of leading a group of people toward a common goal and destination can be tricky at times. The three H's of Healthy Leadership can be a starting point.


Humility – Humility in leadership is about asking open-ended questions, being honest about your weaknesses and strengths, and empowering others to contribute and shine. Jesus said that he who would be greatest must be servant of all (Mt 23:11-12).

We are called to serve rather than to be served.

Be willing to roll up your sleeves and work alongside the lowest person on your payroll and you will have both their respect and you will also have a greater understanding and respect for the tasks each member of your team performs. Spending a day, or even an hour in their shoes will go a long way towards being able to speak their language and help you build strong bonds up and down the leadership ladder.


Happiness – Happy are the people whose God is the Lord – Ps 144:15. No one becomes happy by pursuing happiness. Happiness is the result of living a life of purpose. As Christians, we have more reason than anyone else to be happy. We know that we have been created on purpose for a purpose. Modeling and fostering happiness in your leadership will yield greater dividends. Research by Oxford University's Business School found a conclusive link between happiness and productivity. They discovered that workers are 13% more productive when they are happy. Foster an atmosphere of happiness by modeling purpose, passion, positivity, praise, and prioritizing.


Holiness – To be holy refers to being set apart from common use for a sacred purpose. As Christians, our leadership should emulate a quality that sets us apart from secular leaders. Among the qualities that godly leaders should possess are: integrity, intention, and influence. Bob Marley said, "The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and ability to affect those around him positively."


  • Integrity – David more aptly said, "When the righteous increase, the people rejoice. But when the wicked rule, the people groan" (Prov 29:2), and "The integrity of the upright guides them°"(Prov 11:3).
  • Intention- We were created on purpose for a purpose, and therefore should live and lead in a purposeful way. In order to do this, we must be thoughtful and discerning in all of the decisions of our lives. Proverbs 20:5 says, "The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out."
  • Influence – Jesus was a person of great influence to whom the people were drawn. Influence is the outcome of being authentic as a leader, allowing you to build trust that draws people to you. We are called to be salt and light (Matt 5:13-16), competent and equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3:16-17), sharpen each other in our faith (Prov 27:17), and imitators/examples of God for everyone to see (Eph 5:1-2).

We were created for communion with God and community with people. Nearness to God brings us nearer to the people He has called us to. These three H's will bring us closer in communion to God and community to those He has called us to impact for His kingdom.

"There will be three effects of nearness to Jesus, all beginning with the letter H:
HumilityHappiness, and Holiness. May God give them to us!" – Charles Spurgeon


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